Friday, July 29, 2011


this is my first attempt at "poetry" so please try to read as much as u can :D

Run bhola run

Bhola woke up at 6:15
Bhola is only 15 
He fought he trembled 
But soon he surrendered 

Godmother woke her in a very scary voice 
She said "Bhola waking up so late is not very nice"
He stood up and towards
The bathroom he flew 
He had to make number 2
He knew that he didn't have much time 
But he loved brushing his teeth at same time 

He came out all wet and saw the clock tower
He gave his devilish smile cause no one knew he didn't shower. 
Now began his true run, he had breakfast 
And ran towards the school bus as usual last

He wasn't sad as opposed to common sense 
As he was hoping to see Lola and was pretty tense
He reached school but he was disappointed 
Cause he couldn't find Lola wherever he pointed 

For sometime, time went real slow
But seeing Lola , bhola's face began to glow 
To tell her how he feels 
our sad hero doesn't have the guts,
Cause he is scared that he will,
Get kicked in the nuts.

And then the lectures got over soon 
As bhola's time flew looking at Lola upto noon
Bhola's interaction with Lola till now was nil
But today bhola went for the kill
He went closer and got a better look 
But with what he saw all his nerves shook

Lola had a beard 
Bhola found it weird
And he knew it wasn't fun
All his senses suggested him
Run bhola run

Ran bhola like the winds 
and this is how the "poem" endssss....

2nd one

On the roof 

On the roof I sit and wonder 
Will the lightning hit me or the thunder 
Sitting alone I think sometimes 
Why do all the lines of my poem rhyme

I like the loneliness only trees surround me 
I am at last free from all the people around me
I m not a loner but I like some free time
Why do all the lines of my poem rhyme. 

I try to be funny all day 
But it makes me wonder 
Is it who I am or it's something I create 
The mess food Is bad but still I ate. 

The poem gets worse as I try harder to go on
And after many tries I come to the conclusion
nothing rhymes with on. 
Life's getting complicated
College coming to an end 
The mere thought of working
Makes me comprehend
Is it truly what I want 
Or maybe it's all a part of being funny and "successful" plan. 


  1. Run Bhola Run
    I read this poem while eating a bun
    Out in my balcony , in the sun

    There must be many hearts, you must have won
    When they read these words you spun

    I am sure there is a poem you can write for each one
    But I love your first , it's real fun

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
