Tuesday, January 18, 2011

the second one as promised.....

All my life people told me I am a hat I am a hat but what if I dont want to be a hat what if i want to be a Shoe ....
Anyways this is not about me
This is about a Shoe
I don't know much about it but I will try writing everything I know .
Well obviously the shoe is older than the time I've known it but I think I might hav seen the Shoe long before I think I've seen it as I have spent many weekends of my childhood playing in the garden the shoe grew up in I even got my arm fractured over there once. now about the:S . The shoe is one of the two things I know that doesn't understand what :S means the other one being the hat obviously .
Coming back to the shoe I have "known" the shoe for quite sometime now . The shoe likes other shoes :s . The      shoe is and has been single for the time I have known it or at least it pretended to be single for all I know. The shoe likes friends and action films unlike other shoes weird for a shoe but still you've got to live with it . At this point I think I am loosing it writing anything you have to bear with me I an a new "writer" and have never written biographies :p . Sorry for using colon p brings back ugly memories. Sorry for going off the track again coming back to shoe the again . The shoe was the only thing I knew before coming to iist(my college) . I share a very weird kind of a friendship with the shoe. We never talk to each other there are two socks that prevent me from doing so ;-). The shoe has a habit of stealing my dialogues and claiming them but its alright u see I come up with so many I don't mind giving a few away. The shoe is obsessed with Germany and German people maybe because of their excessive beer consumption. I am out of ideas for what more to write so I think I will stop before I start to make up more bad jokes.

Coming next the hat and later all the socks around me . Sorry for boring u with all the "metaphors". But It has been done out of fear of the socks .

1 comment:

  1. Good attempt dawg...not the worst i know but its a good start.Cheers!!
